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Our School


At Oaklands School, we recognise that it is everyone’s moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all students. 

Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) are:


Designated Safeguarding Leads



Mairead Standring

Head Teacher

Maryam Asghar 

Head of School Primary


Deputy Safeguarding Leads

Agnes Gretschel

Deputy DSL High Oaks

Earl Collins

Deputy DSL High Oaks

David Cortes

Deputy DSL High Oaks



Alexander Jones

Deputy DSL High Oaks

Jim Marshall

Deputy DSL New Oaks

Asimina Mourelatou

Deputy DSL New Oaks




Our Safeguarding Commitment 

We strive to provide a safe and welcoming environment where everyone is respected and valued. The students' best interests are considered at all times. We are committed to dealing with concerns quickly and putting into place early help where necessary. All staff are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow procedures to ensure that children receive effective support and protection. If a child is in danger or at risk of harm, action will be taken immediately to protect that child.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children refers to protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. Safeguarding is not just about protecting children from deliberate harm. It also relates to aspects of school life, including:

  • Students' health and safety
  • The use of reasonable force (restraint)
  • Meeting the needs of children with medical conditions
  • Providing first aid
  • Educational visits
  • Intimate care
  • Online safety
  • Appropriate arrangements to ensure school security

At Oaklands

  • All our staff are trained in safeguarding children’s welfare and update their training yearly.
  • All staff are DBS checked (formerly known as CRB checks)
  • We are vigilant about our pupils' safety.
  • We have an internal reporting system where all concerns are logged and brought to the attention of the Safeguarding leaders.
  • We will ring you to discuss anything we notice that concerns us.

More information can be found in our child protection and safeguarding policy in the attachment at the bottom of this page.

Who is responsible for safeguarding at Oaklands School?

Every member of staff is responsible for safeguarding here at our school. The designated safeguarding lead (DSL) for child protection in New Oaks is Maryam Asghar Head of school, and Mairead Standring,  Head Teacher.

In the event the designated safeguarding lead is absent, the deputy designated people in this school are:


  • Jim Marshall Assistant Head Teacher New Oaks
  • Asimina Mourelatou Assistant Head Teacher New Oaks
  • Earl Collins  Head of School High Oaks 
  • Agnes Gretschel Assistant Head Teacher Syon Department 
  • Alexander Jones Assistant Head Teacher Sixth Form

The nominated governor for this school is Melvyn Tatters

If you feel you are not coping, or you are worried about a child, you can contact Hounslow Children's services on telephone: 020 8583 6600 option 2 or by Email:

Out of hours: After 5pm weekdays or weekends you can telephone 020 8583 2222 and ask to speak to the duty social worker

More information about children's services can be found here: 


Oaklands School,
Gresham Road, Hounslow,

0208 560 3569

Oaklands School,
Woodlands Road, Hounslow,

0208 560 3569