Sports Premium
Physical Education is an integral subject within the curriculum delivered to each student at Oaklands School.
At New Oaks Primary, students participate in weekly PE sessions. They are supported to engage in different sports whilst working on developing key skills such as learning to turn take, share, problem solve and to work collaboratively. In turn, students develop their confidence, independence and can take pride in their achievements.
Physical movement is embedded throughout the curriculum to provide students with opportunities to regulate their emotions, increase their attention spans and to aid their physical development in fine and gross motor skills.
Since April 2018, schools must report on Y6 students that can:
- Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters
- Use a range of strokes effectively
- Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
Oaklands School is for children and young people with severe learning difficulties, Autism Spectrum Disorder as well as students with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties. Students access weekly swim sessions and are supported to develop water confidence, independence and work towards meeting national standard requirements. However, due to the severity of the students' needs and the challenges arising from their disability, students are not yet meeting the National Standard requirements.
Sports Premium has been used to purchase portable trim trail and an outdoor gym to encourage physical activity through out the day.
Over the last three years, Sports Premium funding has been used to allow a sports coach to co-teach with our teachers. This has enabled our students to make improved progress in their Physical Education lessons.