The Governing Body
- Chairperson - Dr Melvyn Tatters
- Vice Chairperson - Harry Thomas
- Head Teacher – Mairead Standring
- Parent Governor - Mounia Ghedir
- Parent Governor - Mike Chapplow
- Staff Governor - Talia Wilmot
- Co-opted Governor – Florence Hitchcock
- Co-opted Governor - Kamran Asghar
- Co-opted Governor - Ranujan Ravidran
- Co-opted Governor - Vacancy
- Co-opted Governor - Rebecca Varlet Mathon
- Co-opted Governor - Ross Wheeler
- Co-opted Governor - Vacancy
If any parent were interested in becoming a future parent governor, please contact the Head Teacher or email us at
Governors hold a full Governing Body meeting every term which is chaired by the Chair of Governors, Ann Neath. The following strategic committee meetings also take place termly and feed into the full Governing Body meeting:
- Finance & Staffing Committee – Chair: Harry Thomas
- Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Committee – Chair: Dr Melvyn Tatters
- Premises and Health and Safety Committee – Chair: Kamran Asghar
Governor Roles
- Child Protection - Dr Melvyn Tatters
- Deputy Child Protection - Kamran Asghar
- Health & Safety - Kamran Asghar
- Looked After Children - Kamran Asghar
- Pupil Premium - Harry Thomas
- SEND - to be appointed at next meeting (Jan 2025)
Previous Governors - Left During past 12 months
Co-opted Governor -Alok Dubey
Co-opted Governor - Chad LeVel
Parent Governor - Abhey Prabhakar
Co-opted Governor - Aman Verma