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Parent Events

Please scroll below for PowerPoints for previous family workshops.

January 2025

TD Snaps Family workshop

On Wednesday 15th January, we were pleased to welcome many of our families to attend a workshop on utilising AAC at home, with a particular focus on using TD snaps. The workshop was led by Jim Marshall, KS2 AHT as well as two of our Speech and Language Therapists.

During the workshop, we explored how TD snaps can aid communication, encourage students' independence and shared ideas on how to use the app in different environments outside of the classroom. 

Parents' response was very positive, with many families sharing how they plan to incorporate it into their home environments. 

Following parent feedback, we are now planning a follow-up workshop with a focus on training families to edit and create their own communication boards. 



Oaklands School,
Gresham Road, Hounslow,

0208 560 3569

Oaklands School,
Woodlands Road, Hounslow,

0208 560 3569